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Home > Restaurant Users > Ordering > Restrict employee purchases to only the order guide
Restrict employee purchases to only the order guide
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Find out how to keep employees from being able to order items outside of the set order guide.


Each order guide from each supplier on your account can be restricted so that team members with the Employee role cannot add items to them.

✨ Tip: For more information on the available user roles, refer to Add, edit, or remove team members.

Follow these steps to lock down an order guide!

Note: Screenshots shown were taken from an Android phone. However, all information in this article is applicable regardless of how you access the app: via mobile phone, tablet, or the desktop web portal.

Restrict employee purchases to only the order guide

  1. On the Place Order screen, select the three dots next to the supplier's name.
  2. Select the Edit Guide link.
  3. If you have more than one order guide with that supplier, select the order guide you want to restrict.
  4. From the three dots setting menu, select Order Guide Settings.
  5. Choose "Don't allow employees to add new items" from the Add Items Restriction dropdown menu.
  6. Select Save.


When accessing that supplier and order guide, employees will not be able to add any additional ad-hoc or supplier catalog items that are not in the order guide already. If you wish to lock down the entire supplier, and you have more than one order guide with them, make sure to repeat this process with each order guide!

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