Aug 16, 2024
Find out how to place an order by filling out and uploading a spreadsheet.
You can now download our spreadsheet template, populate it, and reupload it in order to place an order with your supplier.
Follow these steps for ordering!
Note: Screenshots shown were taken of the app web portal on a desktop computer. However, all information in this article is applicable regardless of how you access the app: via mobile phone, tablet, or the desktop web portal.
Place an order with a supplier via Upload Order
- On the Place Order screen, select your supplier.
- If you have multiple locations, select the location you want to order for.
- Select the Upload Order button.
- Download the template file.
✨ Tip: The downloaded template file will be named the same as your active order guide--this is concidental and not a requirement. You can upload a filled-out spreadsheet with any filename.
- Fill out the template file, using your order guide(s) and/or Catalog view to source the correct Item Code and Unit for each item.
✨ Tip: All 3 columns are required fields.
Template & Order Guide
✨ Tip: If you do not see the item code in order view, maximize your browser window to ensure all columns for the item are visible.
1. Item Code
2. Unit (a case-sensitive field)
- Non-integrated suppliers: With non-integrated suppliers (those without a round, teal arrow next to their names), you can only add an item to the spreadsheet if it is currently in your order guide. To add a missing item, refer to Create or edit an order guide manually.
- Same item code, different units: Even if an item is available in different units, you can NOT add the same item code twice to the spreadsheet. You will need to purchase the second item on a different order.
- Save your completed spreadsheet.
- If necessary, select the Upload Order button again to upload the saved template file.
✨ Tip: Uploading an order will overwrite any items you currently have in your shopping cart, each time you upload a spreadsheet.
- Select Next.
Your spreadsheet upload will either:
Upload successfully and bring you to the Review Order page
- Show you an error message
✨Tip: To troubleshoot any errors, select Download error file to review your spreadsheet with specific error messages. You can correct the errors and reupload the newly saved spreadsheet.
- Look over your order summary and adjust the Delivery Date, if desired.
- If you choose to edit your order, select Edit Order.
✨ Tip:
- From here, you can add or remove items as normal. Your cart contains the uploaded items, and the app will work the same as if you had added the items any other way.
- Using Upload Order again will overwrite any items you currently have in your shopping cart, each time you upload a spreadsheet.
- Once ready, Submit Order.